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Woman on a run for concealing birth of child

Police in Kitwe are investigating a matter of concealing Birth of a Child by a-24-year-old woman of Kitwe’s Mulenga Township.

The woman a living maid, who is on the run, was reported by her boyfriend 32, at Mulenga Police post that his pregnant girlfriend had concealed the birth of his child.

A follow up was made where Police Officers searched the suspect’s twin sister’s house and found the dead body of a full-grown baby boy.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said that brief facts are that on a date unknown in the month of April, 2022, the reporter received information from his girlfriend the now suspects that she was pregnant.
Mr Mweemba said he saw the pregnancy grow up to last month and preparations for the baby was done.
He said on Saturday January 28, 2023 at around 15:00hrs, he was called to the house of his girlfriend’s twin sister in Mulenga Township and informed him thathis girlfriend had developed labor pains.

“He organized transport to take her to Mulenga Clinic where she was later referred to Kitwe Teaching Hospital and admitted to Chambishi Female Surgical Ward. The suspect was discharged from hospital on Wednesday February 1, 2023 around 10:00 hours and the reporter was invited again to her twin sister’s house where they sat inside the house for a meeting.

“The Man smelt a very bad stench like that of rotten meat. He asked the habitants of the house if they smelled the stench, and all expressed ignorance,” he said.

Mr Mweemba said the reporter became suspicious of their facial expressions and demeanor hence searched the house and found a blue plastic bucket containing a blue plastic bag smelling of rotten things.
He said when he opened it, he found a semi decomposed baby wrapped in a Chitenge material.
Mr Mweemba said the remains of the baby were picked and taken to Kitwe Teaching Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem examination.
A docket was opened, and investigations launched no arrest has been made as the suspect is at large.