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Works on the Kawambwa bus station commence

The Kawambwa Town Council has commenced works on the main bus station in the Central Business District at the cost of K524, 805.13.

KTC Public Relations Officer Kashi Joel Norman said that the works in progress will see the paving of the parking lot surface for the buses, the Taxi rank and the walkway respectively.

Mr Norman aid the scope of works for undertaking include, the introduction of kerb stones between the existing road and the walkway, erecting of a palisade fence, in and out boom gate and drainage works parallel to the walkways.

Others include the introduction of three pedestrian crossings at the facility as well as the construction of a ramp which will be of great help for the physically challenged people accessing the bus station.

He said earth works involving the removal of the existing ground have advanced, leveling and compacting of the ground is in progress too.

Mr Norman said once complete, the bus station will have a new look and challenges that are experienced by travellers especially during rainy season will be a thing of the past.

“We are urging our motorists and Passengers at the bus station to corporate with the contractor as the works are ongoing at the bus station,” he said.