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The Independent Observer > News > 385 cases of soft drinks seized at Kasumbalesa Border

385 cases of soft drinks seized at Kasumbalesa Border

By Staff Writer
Chililabombwe Municipal Council through the department of Public Health has seized a total number of 385 cases of expired soft drinks from two wholesalers on the Kasumbalesa border.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Nambela Kyombela said the department of Public Health conducted a routine Food Safety inspection on 23rd January, 2023 at the border and discovered that 385 cases of drinks were unfit for human consumption, thereby seizing the items.

Ms Kyombela said the display/ sale of the seized items were in violation of the Food Safety Act No.7 of 2019 which prohibits the sale of food not of nature, substance or quality demand for human consumption.

She said CMC has advised all business entities to ensure compliance with food safety guidelines or requirements and desist from sale of unfit food to the public as all those found wanting will be prosecuted or penalized accordingly.

“Members of the public are also urged to check the expiry dates of any product before purchase and report to the department of Public Health of any fraudulent activities by the business community, such as sale of expired, adulterated, decomposed or unfit food articles” she said.