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33 illegal immigrants nabbed

Police in Lusaka have apprehended 33 prohibited immigrants believed to be Ethiopians.

The suspects were apprehended in Kaunda Square Stage II around 01:00 hours.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale said Police officers manning Mono Police Check point along the Great East Road in Silverest area got suspicious after three mini buses passed them at high speed without stopping.

Mr Mwale said Police officers pursued the mini buses and intercepted one mini bus, a Toyota Haice, bearing registration number AIB 4244 and fleet number 211065 off Simusokwe Road in Kaunda Square Stage II where they apprehended 15 suspects.

He said after interrogations, it was discovered that the suspects were 20 in the mini bus and seven including the driver managed to escape immediately they noticed that they were being pursued by Police officers.

Police officers ‘combed’ the area in Kaunda Square and later apprehended two suspects around 02:30 hours, and later the police apprehended 18 more suspect making the total number of suspects to be 33,” he said.

Mr Mwale said initial investigations indicate that the suspects entered Zambia through Mwami Border.

All the 33 suspects are detained in Police custody waiting to be formally handed over to the Department of Immigration and a manhunt for the other suspects and two mini buses has been launched.