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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Govt should explain its plan for KCM, Mopani-CSO

Govt should explain its plan for KCM, Mopani-CSO

By Staff Writer
Copperbelt Civil society mining forum has called on Government to explain to the nation its plan for Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani this year.

Forum Chairperson Gerald Mutelo said Government should explain if they have the capacity to run the Mines or they will bring in a private sector locally or foreign.

Mr Mutelo said communities where these mines operate, have no liquidity, no money in circulation, Contractors and suppliers are not paid, workers have not received any increments on their salaries.

He said there is need for government to tell the nation on the relationship between Vendanta Resources and Government.

Mr Mutelo also said Government should make full disclosure of the contract it has with glencore over Mopani,

“Government should outline its plans on the future for the two mines to also inspire hope and confidence among the employees and all the stakeholders in the mining value chain,” he said.

He also said information reaching us is that Luanshya Copper Mines will be closing its Baluba Mine on the basis that Copper Ore at that Mine has been depleted which has consequently led to the non-renewal of contracts including JCHX which is the main contractor.

“In view of the fore going ,there have been assurances that all affected employees under JHCX will be redeployed to other operational mining sites of JHCX however we feel that more needs to be done in terms of legitimizing the process,” he said.