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Journalist play critical role in fight against Corruption

The Anti Corruption Commission(ACC) says Journalists play a critical role in the fight against corruption.

Speaking during a capacity building training workshop for media personnel, in Anti-Corruption Issues In Ndola today, ACC director Tom Shamakamba said the main objective of the workshop was to encourage journalists to begin engaging in investigative journalism and sensitise the public and bring to light the adverse effects of corruption on the social and economic development of the nation.

Mr. Shamakamba said the commission understands the key role the media plays in informing the public hence the workshop is meant to help media pesonnel to fully understand the difference dimensions of corruption.

He says the initiative cannot yield the expected results without the full and effective contribution of the Media.

Mr shamakamba has since implored the Media countrywide to join the first against corruption.

Meanwhile, ACC public education director Dorothy Chrelo revealed that ACC saw it fit to partner with the media in the fight against corruption.

Ms. Cheelo has since reemphasized the need for the media to understand the salient features of the laws that are used in the fight against corruption.

And Zambia News and Information Services(ZANIS) Copperbelt Provincial Information Officer Himweela Moya has commended the commission for coming up with an initiative to see to it that the media is well informed.

He says a lot of inaccurate information is being disseminated in different media platforms by different people hence the need to equip the media with accurate information, so that they influence people to make informed decisions. ZANIS