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The Independent Observer > News > Kitwe criminals walk away with over K400 thousand after robbery

Kitwe criminals walk away with over K400 thousand after robbery

Three unknown criminals have stolen K180, 000 cash and jewelry altogether worthy at K429, 000 from the home of an Indian National in Kitwe’s Parklands area.

Ganjay Kumar Shah 64, said he was attacked by three men armed with a pistol and iron bars while he and his wife were house sitting for their son who travelled to Lusaka with his family on holiday.

Copperbelt Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said the incident occurred on Sunday at around 23:20 hours at flat G A 1 Kola court Parklands in Kitwe.

Mr Mweemba said that Mr Shah and his wife Orvashi Shah were housesitting for their son Chitrang Shah 34, who had travelled with his family to Lusaka for a holiday.

“At around 23:00 hours they secured the house and retired to bed but at around 23:30 hours, Mr Shah went to the kitchen to drink water and as he was coming back he was confronted by three unknown criminals who were armed with a pistol, iron bars and a knife,” he said.

He said that police established that entry was gained by breaking the sitting room door.

Mr Mweemba said the criminals demanded for money and held Mr Shah Hostage as they searched the house.

“The criminals went away with assorted types of jewelries, USD$10,000 cash (K180,000) ,Gucci wrist watch , two fossile wrist watch, two Michael korus watches, one citizen watch, a Guess watch ,one temple watch , an Alexa watch, assorted perfumes, one Samsung S9 phone ,one Samsung S8 phone and one redmi phone, property altogether valued at K 429,800,” he said.