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Stolen baby recovered

Police in Ndola have apprehended a-28-year-old woman and recovered a stolen baby from her.

Sofia Kabila 28, of Lubuto Chintu of Ndola, when questioned why she committed the crime her response was that sometime back in the month of August, 2022 she had a miscarriage when she was six months pregnant.

But she never communicated the sad development to the husband (a Clearing agent   Kalumba Samuel).

She said from the time the suspect experienced the aforementioned situation, she has been looking for a baby until yesterday December 12, 2022 when a chance of presenting a baby to the husband came forth and she stole the baby.

The suspect further said that she was able to achieve the stealing of a child because the husband is never home most of the time.

The husband to the suspect when he came to the Police also confirmed that he believed that the child was his and took part in the nursing of the child the all night.

The suspect has since been detained in Police custody and will appear in court soon while the child has been given back to the mother.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said that susan Kayambo 32, reported that her Child was stolen by a person she can identify if seen.

Mr Meemba said brief facts of the matter are that Susan gave birth on December 12, 2022 around 08:00hrs through ceaserian section of which she lost a lot of blood.

He said she was admitted so that she can receive medical attention and on Friday December 12, 2022 there came a lady in the ward who pretended to be a relative to the victim.

“After sometime nurses chased her but she later came back she remained in the ward with the complainant from morning up to evening and that’s how she left and came back on Monday and she chatted with the complainant, nurses kept on chasing her but she could not go, after a short while nurses had to put cannular drip and blood on the victim.

“Then the baby started crying. It was at that point the same lady got the baby to calm him, the suspect requested to bath the baby but she was denied by one of the nurses. She remained with the baby for some time, after the complainant stabilized, she  demanded for the baby and that’s how a nurse went and brought the baby to her mother, after a short while again  the suspect came and got the baby claiming that he was not bathed properly, but again she was denied, she managed to  get  him and remained with the baby,” he said.

Mr Mweemba said from about 14:00hrs to about 18:00hrs when the complainant  asked the nurse to get the baby from the lady, at that point she discovered that the lady was not within the hospital.


He said they tried to look around the hospital in and out the premises but all in vain.

And at 23:00 the matter was reported at Hospital Police Post. Police made a follow up to Lubuto, where the suspect had given the address that she was coming from Lubuto but address given does not exist.