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Zambia to host Democracy summit next year

Zambia is next year expected to join Costa Rica, Netherlands, Korea and the United States in hosting the second Summit for Democracy.

The Summit will demonstrate how democracies deliver for their citizens and the nations are best equipped to address the world’s most pressing challenges.

In a statement posted on the White House website, the leaders of the hosting nations have stated that they have taken up the call to host inorder to demonstrate uphow transparent, accountable governance remains the best way to deliver lasting prosperity, peace, and justice.

“Today, we the governments of Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Zambia, and the United States are pleased to announce that our leaders will co-host the second Summit for Democracy on March 29-30, 2023.

We are living through an era defined by challenges to accountable and transparent governance. From wars of aggression to changes in climate, societal mistrust and technological transformation, it could not be clearer that all around the world, democracy needs champions at all levels,” reads the statement.

The Summit will assemble world leaders in a virtual, plenary format, followed by hybrid gatherings in each of the countries with representatives from government, civil society, and the private sector.

“Together, we will showcase progress made by Summit partners on commitments during the Year of Action, and will reaffirm the vitality of the democratic model and collective action to meet the unprecedented challenges of our time. We look forward to another successful Summit, and accelerating concrete action toward democratic renewal,” reads the statement in parts.