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Gender activist calls for greater action on international day for elimination of violence against women

By Staff Writer
Gender Activist Beauty Katebe has noted with concern revelation by the United Nations that every 11 minutes, a woman or girl is killed by an intimate partner or family member around the world. 

She observed that incidents such as the Headman in Southern Province who recently eliminated his wife and family members before committing suicide, was evidence of how rife women and girls lose lives in Zambia from intimate partners.

Ms Katebe also condemned the recent incident in Chongwe where a son gruesomely killed his own mother in unclear circumstances.

The Gender Activist agreed with the UN’s position that economic challenges brought by emerging issues such as COVID led to more physical and verbal abuse against women and girls.

She called on Government and cooperating partners to increasing funding towards organizations championing the protection of  women and girls against violence.

Ms Katebe was happy to note that the Government of Zambia had enacted a Children’s Code Act which banned corporal punishment against children in all settings.

The Gender Activist reminded citizens to condemn violence against women and girls because it was the most cruel thing to do for any reason.

Ms Katebe urged ZICTA and law enforcement agencies to step up efforts in protecting women and girls against predators championing online violence and other social media crimes.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls was being held on November 25, 2022 under the theme “UNITE: Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls”.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called on governments around the world to increase funding by 50 per cent to women’s rights organizations and movements by 2026.