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Son kills Mother in cold blood

By Staff Writer
A-56- year old woman of Chongwe has allegedly been murdered in cold blood at her house by her 28-year-old son.

Deputy Police Spokesperson Danny Mwale said that the victim Ruth Nyanvula is alleged to have been killed and burnt her as the body was found in a dismembered and burnt state.

Mr Mwale has identified the suspect as Joshua Bwalya of Chansango village in Chongwe District.

He said the incident occurred on November 22, 2022 around 23:00hrs near Mpango Secondary School in Chongwe.

Mr Mwale said the Police received information from the Head Teacher of the School who earlier received a report from a pupil of the same school.

He said the pupil narrated that on November 22, 2022 around 23:00 hours heard the victim shouting for help in her house which is located near the boarding houses and that they failed to go to the house as the noise lasted for a short time.

“On November 23, 2022 at 08:00 hours, the Head Teacher and the pupils in the company of other members of the community went to the deceased’s house and did not find the deceased at home but saw the suspect coming from the nearby bush with blood stains all over his body.

“When he was asked where his mother was, he lied that she had gone for business errands but when they opened the house they discovered a pool of blood on the floor and that was when the Head Teacher called the Police,” he said.

Mr Mwale said police officers rushed to the scene and apprehended the suspect who later led them to the nearby bush about 900 meters away from the deceased’s house where he demonstrated how he dragged the deceased after killing her in her house.

He said the body of the victim has been deposited in Chongwe District Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem was found in a dismembered and burnt state before it was buried.

The suspect is detained in Police custody while investigations into the matter have been instituted.