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Mutati calls for strong links between policy makers, scientist

The Ministry of Science and Technology has called for stronger linkages between policy makers and scientists in order to find solutions to Science, Technology and Innovation related challenges.

And the Ministry has organized an Energy and Climate Change Conference which has drawn participation from Researchers, Innovation Administrators, Academia and University Students as well as policy makers to deal with some of these challenges.

Minister of Science and Technology Felix Mutati says the Energy and Climate Change Conference which will run from 22nd to 24th November 2022 in Lusaka will be held to find solutions to the country’s problems.

He says the conference, which will be held under the theme,” Climate Smart Technologies; Towards a Green Economy” will also be part of the commemorations for the National Science Day and associated events.

Mr Mutati said the Conference will also be used to exploit funding opportunities for Science and Technology activities.

Mr Mutati said this at a Media Breakfast in a speech read for him by Science and Technology Permanent Secretary Brilliant Habeenzu.

And, Southern African Science Service Center and Adaptive Land Management Country Coordinator Martin Mbewe said the Conference is a good platform to share information on green energy such as Hydrogen production in Zambia.