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Govt condemns attack on Pasme Radio

By Staff Writer
Government has condemned the attack on Pasme FM Radio by some people in Petauke last week.

Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda said the new Dawn Government takes strong exception to violence against the media in the discharge of their duties.

Ms Kasanda said the media is the voice of the people and attack on the media is an attack on the people and on the country’s democracy.

She said it is lawless and unacceptable for anyone to attack the media for any reason.

“There are well established channels to complain against a radio or television station that is seen to be unprofessional in its programming and conduct provided by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA),” she said.

Ms Kasanda said there is no room for anyone to take the law into their own hands by attacking a radio or television station for any alleged wrong doing.

She said Government expects the law to take its course against the perpetrators of this attack on the radio station.

“Government reiterates its stance for safety and freedom of the media in growing the country’s democracy,” she said.