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Four Police officers arrested for beating suspect to death

Four Police officers in Kaoma have been apprehended and detained after they allegedly beat up a suspect who later died.

The officers from the Criminal Investigations unit whose names have been withheld are currently in police custody at Kaoma main police station awaiting postmortem results from the hospital to determine what caused the death of the suspect.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed the development to ZANIS today and named the deceased as Kanyengo Chipango 50,of Ishewabunto village in Kaoma District.

Kaoma District Commissioner Muyambango Kashina Sheba also confirmed having received a report on the incident.

Mr Hamoonga could not give much detail as the matter is under investigation and promised to issue a full statement after the District hospital releases postmortem results.

He explained that the four officers went to apprehend the suspect from his village after a tip off from members of public that he was in possession of an illegal fire arm.

“After the suspect was apprehended while in police custody, he became unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where he later died,” he said

Mr Hamoonga stated that if the suspect died as a result of negligence, the officers would be charged accordingly.

The deceased has since been buried.