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ZIPAR expects Govt to address KCM,Mopani issues in the 2023 budget

As the 2023 National budget presentation nears stakeholders are waging in their expectations, and the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) says it expects the 2023 National Budget to provide a clear position regarding the impasse surrounding Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and Mopani Copper Mines.

ZIPAR Executive Director Herrick Mpuku said the two mining firms are major players in the sector which contribute to economic fortunes of the country.

Dr Mpuku also said Government needs to ensure that strong and consistent policy direction is given over the mining giants in order to unlock the challenges relating to suppliers and other issues.

“Dealing with issues at Mopani and KCM will spur growth, create Jobs and improve incomes for the people,’’ he said.

In the Agriculture sector Dr Mpuku said he expects clarity on the Comprehensive Agriculture Support Program (CASP) that is earmarked to replace the Farmer Input Support Program (FISP).

He also expects the National Budget to provide finality and guidance on the processes and procedures that govern the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in order to enhance utilisation of the fund.

The ZIPAR Executive Director said this during a media briefing on the 2023 National Budget expectations.

Finance Minister Dr Musokotwani is scheduled to present the 2023 National Budget on Friday, 30th September, 2022.