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Edgar Lungu’s lodge seized

Investigative wings have seized what they believe to be former Republican President Edgar Lungu’s lodge in Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area.

The lodge has been seized under a law that allows forfeiture of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

According to a notice of seizure served on the former President dated September 19, 2022, Crest Lodge which is on property No LUS/38479 was seized in terms of section 15 of the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act No.14 of 2001 as there were reasonable grounds for believing that they were liable to seizure.

The seizure was carried out by an Investigative officer by the name of Mr Khondowe and was witnessed by Mr Katete the Director of Crest Lodge.

The notice indicated that the property located in Ibex Hill may be declared to be forfeited to the State under section 17 of the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

And Zambia Republican Party President Wright Musoma said that the property had been seized as being suspected proceed of crime and that they were trying to find something to be used to remove Mr Lungu’s immunity.

Mr Musoma believes that the seizure was the commencement of the long awaited investigation, removal of immunity and subsequent prosecution of the former President.

“”This is a well calculated plot designed to remove immunity.”he said.

said this meant that investigations may ultimately lead to the removal of immunity for prosecution which was a well calculated move.

He added that the nullification of seats in Parliament was also meant to secure suffiicient numbers in order for immunity removal to succeed “”They do not have sufficient numbers to pass a vote for immunity removal, hence the plot for nullification of seats.”” he said.

Under the present law any claim of impropriety must go to Parliament where two thirds must vote for immunity removal.

He however said the UPND did not have two thirds hence the efforts to nullify seats so that they get the numbers.

He said President Hichilema needed to take a leaf from his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto who offered an olive branch to his predecessor who actually supported his opponent.
Daily Nation.