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Media vital in developing towns

By Staff Writer
Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe say that the media has an important role to play in making Chingola attain city status.

Mr Kang’ombe said the media personnel should champion the agenda of selling the district to the community so that everyone has a roll to play in the development agenda and implementation of project.

He said this during Chingola Press Club Fundraising Car wash which was held over the weekend at the Space Pub and Grill, The City Father said that he was happy that the media in Chingola are organized and support the development agenda of the District.

Mr Kang’ombe applauded the media for the balanced professional in reporting stories in the district.

He said his office will support the Press club as the media is the fourth estate.

And Space Director Andy Mpundu echoed the impotance that the media play on various plateform and was happy to be party of the event.

And Chingola Press Club Chairperson Namutenga Kalungu thanked the business community for coming through and supported the Club.

The Business Community the likes of SL Milling, Comfort Lodge, Nelius Mumba, and Members of the public came through to support the event.