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Far-Right Meloni Set To Become Italy’s First Female PM

Giorgia Meloni’s party has no experience in government, so she will need full support from ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini, who were both part of the outgoing Draghi government.

Although he was Italy’s longest-serving prime minister, Berlusconi, 85, is running for election to the Senate for the first time since he was barred in 2013 for tax fraud.

His centre-right Forza Italia is seen as the weakest of the three parties. Matteo Salvini’s League is a natural partner for Meloni. Meloni’s right-wing alliance now looks to have control of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with a projected 42.2% of the Senate vote.

As interior minister, he closed down migrant camps and blocked NGO boats carrying migrants rescued from the Mediterranean from entering port.

What do they want?

They are promising to cut sales tax on energy and other essential items, and to introduce a flat tax for the self-employed, possibly set at 23%, which critics say would give more to the rich than the poor.

They want to end Italy’s ban on nuclear power. There are plans to shore up Italy’s birth rate with increased allowances for families.

And they aim to combat irregular immigration and manage legal immigration in an orderly way.

Voter: Meloni ‘The Only One Who Promised Support’

Milena Spigo has run her bar in the village of Zevio for 15 years, in the northern region of Veneto.

She says that having a business is harder than ever because of rising costs.

“Taxes are high and all the bills are going up. We simply can’t live like this,” she tells the BBC.

Milena thinks that, amongst her clients, it was Giorgia Meloni who cut through the most in a province where the Brothers of Italy party only polled at around 4 per cent four years ago.

“She is the one who’s promised more support,” says Milena.

But voters here are wary of politicians’ promises.

“It’s important to see if they keep to their words. People need to be helped, pensions are too low and the cost of living is rising. “

What Happened To The Previous Government?

Mario Draghi

Back in July – 18 months after he was appointed as Italy’s unelected head of a unity government – Mario Draghi quit as prime minister and called these latest snap elections.

Draghi, 74, had been a popular choice as PM, dubbed Super Mario for his handling of the eurozone crisis as head of the European Central Bank.

But political infighting brought him down.

Three parties in his coalition government refused to back him in a confidence vote, forcing him to tender his resignation to Italy’s president.

Italy has a history of political instability, and the next prime minister will lead its 68th government since 1946.