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Mps urged to publicize census

Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Muti has urged members of parliament to encourage people from their constituencies to be enumerated in the 2022 census of housing and population.

Ms Muti said that the census of housing and population will enable the government to plan strategically how social and economic goals can be implemented in various constituencies.

Ms Muti said this in Lusaka after being enumerated at her residence.

She indicated that the census of housing and population enables government to plan for sustainable development needs of the population such as Education, Health and Water and sanitation.

Ms Miti urged MPs not only to be enumerated but to also encourage people in the various constituencies to cooperate with the enumerators whenever they come to their residences.

He said ZamStats is mandated to conduct the Census of housing and population according to the constitution of Zambia for purposes of planning effectively and implementation of developmental agendas,l.

And Zambia Statistical Agency (ZamStats) Interim Statistician General Mulenga Musepa indicated that ZamStats has engaged various stakeholders to sensitize the general public to cooperate with enumerators as they carry out their duties.

 Mr Musepa said that the process of census has faced a number of challenges   especially in Lusaka but various stakeholders have come on board to publicize the process.

 He said the agency has engaged various stakeholders such as the Zambia Army and Zambia News and Information Services to assist with publicity of the Census of housing and population to various parts of the country. ZANIS