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Konkola blades fires Head Coach

By Staff Writer
Konkola Blades Football Club (KBFC) Executive Management (ExCo) has announced that the club has come to mutual terms of separation with its Head Coach Charles Bwale.

First assistant Coach, John Munkonje has been appointed to act as club Head Coach, to be assisted by Godfrey Siame from Mine Police FC Chileya Chipulu and Steven Kabwe will maintain their positions as second assistant and Goal keeper Coaches, respectively.

Mr Bwale has paid gratitude to the Konkola Blades ExCo for the privilege accorded to him to coach one of Zambia’s legendary clubs, and wished the club success in its future endeavors.

The Club management has wished Mr Bwale a bright future in his career, adding that the coach will remain a part of the Konkola Blades family.

This is contained in a statement issued by Chiteta Chinyemba KBFC Media Officer