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The Independent Observer > News > Govt urged to extend FRA crop buying

Govt urged to extend FRA crop buying

By Staff Writer
Chipangali Council Chairperson Maxson Nkhoma says that Government through the food reserve agency (FRA) should rescind the decision to prematurely close crop marketing season.

Mr Nkhoma said it shocking that FRA could reach at such decision when most farmers have yet to sale their crops to the agency

“I wish to call upon the Government to rescind the decision of closing crop marketing because most farmers will be disenfranchised following the decision taken by the FRA,” he said.

He said only the Government is offering the most attractive prices on the market which is cost reflective and favorable to farmers hence the need to extend this.

Mr Nkhoma said farmers would be disadvantaged with FRA decision to close the Market as they will suffer exploitation at the hands of crop briefcase buyers.