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Chingola:DMMU gives relief to Kasompe airstrip residents


The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has given relief food items to the victims of demolished houses in Kasompe Airstrip area in Chingola.

Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi said 95 out of 98 families were given the relief food.

Mr Chimupi said that three families out of the 95 did not receive relief food because they did not show up.

The families have received k1, 000 cash, 25Kg bags of mealie-meal, 5 kg bags of rice and 2.5 kgs of beans each.

“DMMU also offered 40 rooms at the former Avic Chingola camping site for those that were stranded, and there was an alternative of offering tents if rooms ran out but only six families out of the affected appeared to be stranded and are the ones accommodated at the Avic camping site,” he said.

On 20 August, 20th, 2022 Chingola Municipal Council in conjunction with state police demolished over 300 houses in Kasompe Airstrip of Kasompe, but Area Member of Parliament Chipoka Mulenga said legal land been found for the affected families.