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UPND’s Simangolwa accepts Kabushi adoption loss

By Mercy Chewe

United Party for National Development (UPND) member and Copperbelt-based business executive Mellbin Muyoba Simangolwa has pledged to support the re-adopted UPND candidate in the Kabushi Parliamentary by election Bernard Kanengo.

Mr Simangolwa applied to contest the Kabushi Seat on the UPND ticket but missed out on adoption.

The UPND on Wednesday announced the re-adoption of Mr. Kanengo as the party’s candidate in the Kabushi Parliamentary by election ahead of Thursday’s nomination day.

In an interview, Mr Simangolwa said he has accepted the ruling party’s decision to re-adopt M Kanengo.

He urged his supporters to respect the party’s decision and support Mr Kanengo.

“You really have to understand that there is always one chance at a time and we truly appreciate that my colleague Bernard Kanengo has been considered this time. We wish him well and we will definitely rally behind him and support him and make sure we can secure that seat for UPND. I think what is more critical is that the ground needs to be made fertile obviously because of previous activities that have happened in the past but we pray that those things will be ironed out and we will be able to forge forward. We wish him well and wish the party all the best,” Mr Simangolwa said.

“We will be able to support the party. What we are more focused on is to secure the seat for UPND and we are providing that alternative leadership. This process has gone on smoothly and no hard feelings at all. I still have other things that I can do to serve the party and I am committed to serve the party,” he said.

Meanwhile, the UPND National Youth Executive has hailed Mr Simangolwa for accepting the ruling party’s decision to re-adopt Mr. Kanengo in the Kabushi Parliamentary by-election.

UPND deputy national youth information and publicity secretary David Chikwanda said Mr Simangolwa has shown maturity that is needed in politics.

“As youths we are very confident that the adopted candidates will carry the day because they have full support from those they were competing with. We are one family and intra Party democracy is healthy. We want to commend Mr Mellbin Muyoba Simangolwa for his maturity and we look forward to working with him on different assignment as a party,” Mr. Chikwanda said.

The Kabushi Seat fell vacant after the High Court nullified the election of Bowman Lusambo in the 2021 General Elections which was recently upheld by the Constitutional Court.