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Boy 19 kills both parents


A-19-year-old juvenile has allegedly killed his parents in Lusaka’s Salama park area in unclear circumstances.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Nathaniel Mwakachela 53, and Alphonsina Mwakachela 52, are alleged to have been killed by their first born son an adult Juvenile.

Mr Hamoonga said this occurred on Saturday August 6, 2022 between 00:00 hours and 10:00 hours.

He said brief facts of the matter are that the two victims went to bed around 23:00 hours on Friday August 5, 2022 after they had their supper and had a family time in the sitting room while the suspect, their son, was in his bedroom.

Mr Hamoonga said during early hours of Saturday August 6, 2022 while asleep, a girl 15, who is a sister to the suspect heard some noise with a bang and someone screaming but ignored as she thought it was her father trying to take her brother to the rehabilitation centre because they had mentioned earlier of taking him to the facility as his brother’s behaviour had been unusual.

“Around 11:00 hours when she woke up she discovered that her bedroom door was locked. She then decided to call her brother to come and open for her but he responded saying that he was mopping so he couldn’t open.

Later after staying in the bedroom for some time she decided to open the door using a knife. When she got out it was quiet in the house as only his brother was present. He then followed him and told her he wanted to tell her something but that he could only communicate it on a piece of paper. That’s how he broke the news by writing on the paper that the parents have died of COVID.
When asked where the bodies were kept, he didn’t respond,” he said.

He said the girl checked for the bodies inside the house but couldn’t find them so she decided to go out and that’s where she found the two bodies wrapped in blankets and tied on each ends with wires.

Mr Hamoonga said the girl then asked if she could take a walk outside to clear her mind and she was allowed.

He said it was at this point when she went outside the gate that she informed her family members who later came with her to report the matter at the police at around 13:30 hours.

Mr Hamoonga said Police visited the scene of crime and found that inside the house was looking clean and nothing unusual was observed.

He said outside the house within the backyard was where the two bodies were found wrapped in two different and separate blankets.

“The two bodies were unwrapped and examined; the father had a deep cut on the right upper part of the eye with swollen lip while the mother had a swollen face with a cut on the nose. Fresh blood was observed coming from the two victim’s nose.

“Also at the scene there was a piece of paper that was recovered from the suspect where he broke the news to the sister of the passing on of their parents,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said photographs of the scene were taken and the suspect has since been detained in police custody.

The bodies have since been deposited at University Teaching Hospital Mortuary awaiting an autopsy.