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The Independent Observer > News > SEPA supports call to get 15% of mine proceeds by Traditional leaders

SEPA supports call to get 15% of mine proceeds by Traditional leaders

By Staff Writer
Save the Environment and People’s Agency (SEPA) has supported the call by Traditional leaders in North Western Province to get 15 percent of proceeds from Mining firms to remain in the province for development.

This is in order to mitigate the negative impacts arising from mining activities.

SEPA CEO Mailes Muke said it has been the cry of Civil Society that the people of North Western Province also benefit from their natural resources.

Ms Muke said it is very disheartening to see that North Western Province which is housing 3 giant mines is not benefiting from it resources.

She said people only receive dust, deforestation, poor road net among the others toxic substances.

“If the mines gave the province what the traditional leaders are demanding it will reduce the burden of depending on government for development. Mineral Revenue Sharing Mechanism is the way to go.

“As SEPA, we feel this is progressive and a good suggestion, which Government should quickly put it into consideration,” she said.