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The Independent Observer > News > Choma Business man shot friend, kills self

Choma Business man shot friend, kills self

A Choma based business Man has allegedly shot a fellow business man trading next to his shop with a pistol and later shot himself dead for unknown reasons.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said that Billy Munsaka  the proprietor of Biltrex after closing his shop at around 19:00 hours got into his vehicle a Toyota Alphad Registration number BAL 5223 and was reversing when Rodger Hachikosela proprietor 46, of Happy Investment approached him and shot him using a pistol in the head and died on the sport.

Mr Hamoonga said Hachikosela later shot himself in the head and died on the spot as well.

He said two pistols were recovered at the door steps of Rodger Hachikosela’s shop.

Mr Hamoonga said the motive of shooting has not yet been established what has been established so far is that the two were not talking to each other for some time.

“The shops of the two deceased persons are next to each other. And the bodies of the two have since been deposited in Choma General Hospital Mortuary,” he said.

Police are investigating the matter.