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Current Agriculture policies will boost Production-HEIFER

HEIFER International Zambia has urged farmers in Zambia to take advantage of the favourable agricultural policies being put in place by the New Dawn Government to increase crop and animal production.

Heifer International Zambia Country Director Argent Chuula observed that the current agriculture policies being put in place by the Government would go a long way in boosting agriculture production as he urges farmers to position themselves and ramp up production.

“My message to farmers is that let us take advantage of the current conducive agriculture policy environment to increase production,” Dr Chuula said.

He said the outbreak of Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tension would continue causing global food shortages lending to skyrocketing of food prices hence the need to increase local production.

Dr Chuula also urged farmers to embrace technology to ease the cost of production and attract the young generation to the sector to ensure a bright economic future of the country.

“The use of technology is critical, that is why in the new approach, Heifer International is encouraging the use of technology in the agricultural value chain,” he said.

Dr Chuula added that Heifer International‘s poverty reduction interventions have to date impacted around 300,000 households in Zambia.

He said in an interview at the on-going 56th Zambia International Trade Fair (ZIFT) at the weekend in Ndola that the international organisation would continue pushing for wealth creation which is a catalyst for poverty alleviation.

“From 1986 to date, Heifer International has supported moiré than 300,000 farmers with animals thereby impacting about 1.5 million people in terms of poverty alleviation and the future for Heifer International is very bright,” Dr Chuula said.

He said in line with this year’s International Trade Fair theme dubbed “Promoting Value Addition for Sustainable Growth” ,after successfully implementing the pas-on- gift wealth creation initiative ,Heifer International was aiding farmers in their value addition agenda.

“The cooperatives we helped grow have started adding value to their farm produce. Successful cooperatives like Fisenge Dairy Cooperative are adding value to milk as well as making beef sausages which are increasing value for their produce using Heifer Capital Impact links it is providing,” He said.