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12 year old sodomised in Ndola

A 12 Year-Old visually impaired boy of Ndola has been left traumatised after another visually impaired boy aged 17 at a named boarding school in Ndola allegedly sodomised.

It is believed that the victim was sodomised after he fell asleep at the suspects dormitory as he could not make it to his own room because the suspect threatened him saying that the night had cats crying like babies, ghosts and wheelbarrows lurking, to which he got scared.

Copperbelt province commanding officer Sharon Zulu confirmed the incident saying that police received a report of sodomy which occurred at Lions boarding school for the Blind in Hillcrest area of Ndola.

“The Head teacher Chewe Alick aged 53 reported on behalf of his pupil aged 12, a grade six pupil, that he was sodomized by a fellow pupil aged 17.The victim sustained painful and bruised private parts. Brief facts of the matter are that on Monday at around 20:00 hours, the victim and his friend left their Sichone Hostel and went to Chitimukulu hostel to collect papers from their friends,” she said.

She said the suspect and victim managed to get the papers that they went to collect, however, in the process, the victim was told to wait for the suspect who claimed to be chatting with another friend.

“After some time, the victim discovered that his friend had left, that’s how he started going and as he reached the door way, he was intercepted by the suspect who asked him where he was going. Later the suspect told the victim not to go threatening him that there were cats outside crying like babies, ghosts and wheelbarrows making noise. That’s how the victim got scared and went back with the suspect in Chitimukulu hostel and sat on the suspect’s bed hoping he would see someone to go with to his hostel,” she said.

Ms Zulu said while the two sat together, the victim fell asleep and that was when he was sodomised by the suspect.

“The victim narrated that during the night which he described like a nightmare, he felt someone pricking on his private part and it was painful. In the process he woke up and found that it was real and painful because the suspect had inserted his manhood in his anus.The victim immediately got hold of the manhood” she said.