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Painting artist appeals for help

By Staff writer
Who says that you can’t earn an income from just drawing? A pencil in the hand of an artist is an investment for him to earn resources.

The person with a pencil is capable of creating any art design that catches the hearts of the people who appreciate Art works and make a living from it.

With the coming of skills empowerment from the Government, 24-year-old Justin Msoni a Chingola based artist in portrait paintings, hopes to get empowered and take his art to another level.

He said skills in art paintings are rarely recognized in Zambia and mostly people who do art do it for fun or as part time because it is not promoted.

Msoni whose equipment are pencils and papers make ends meet through drawing and has completed his grade 12 and wish to further art as he has a passion for drawings.

He is calling on well-wishers to sponsor him to college and further studies in art drawing and designing.
Msoni said that business in Art is poor in Zambia because people don’t appreciate Art drawings.
He said even when he makes a nice drawing people will only express amazement with its beauty and only few will buy.
Justin added that he is sharp when it comes to learning but he has no money to go to college because he is an orphan.
He said his journey started when he was 10, as he could make small cars using small wires and because of his passion for art, he realized his dream in grade 11 and started taking art.
Justin further explained that though the teacher who used to teach them Art had no passion for his subject, he developed interest from the other class mates who started taking Art earlier than him after seeing their beautiful drawings.
He said after he completed grade twelve that’s when he started serious lessons from the little knowledge he acquired from school and started making some drawings.
Justin stated that his cousin who was also an expert in Art inspired him a lot.
“My cousin became my inspiration, my mentor and helped me to reach where am,” he said.
Those who can help may call and get more information through Justin on 0962 662834.