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CNBM takes solid actions to contribute to sustainable development in Zambia

Over the past seven years, the Zambia Industrial Park funded by China National Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) has integrated into the local community, fulfilled its social responsibility, and guided enterprises to pursue high-quality development and create values, contributing to sustainable development in the country. Construction of the Zambia Industrial Park started in 2015 and began operations in 2018.

CNBM Zambia Industrial Park Zambia staff dormitory

Zambia’s first President, the late Dr Kenneth David Kaunda during a visit to the park

Believing that employees are a core asset of an enterprise, the CNBM Zambia Industrial Park has been committed to ensuring the career security of its employees and creating a sound working and living environment for them. It has guaranteed that employees get a physical examination once a year. The industrial park has taken science-based COVID-19 control measures during the pandemic period to protect the health and safety of its employees responsibly. In addition, the industrial park has regularly held various vocational skills training sessions and established incentive mechanisms to support employees’ career development. It has also actively carried out rich recreational activities after work to enhance employees’ sense of belonging and happiness.

Staff vocational skills training and recreational activities

By taking root in the local community, the CNBM Zambia Industrial Park has deepened communication in community development, actively donated funds to facilitate education, and carried out free clinical programs and donation activities in areas in need. It has actively created wealth for the local community and promoted cultural exchanges for a long time. 

Carried out donation activities, road expansion, free clinical programs, and donated funds to facilitate education to improve the lives of local people, Zambian employees and their relatives

The CNBM Zambia Industrial Park has attached importance to corporate talents, promoted fair employment, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of employees. It has valued the development of employees, providing them with a stage to showcase themselves. It has also adhered to the principles of openness, competition and merit in recruiting, training and stimulating employees to establish harmonious labor relations and promote common development and growth of enterprises and employees.

The CNBM Zambia Industrial Park will work together with all parties to contribute more to local economic development, social advancement, ecological protection and cultural exchanges through innovation, openness, integration and sharing.