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My Home Town developmental programmes cheer Choma residents

A Choma based Non-governmental organisation, the VOICE, has commended Mr James Ndambo, the founder and chairman of My Home Town organisation for many developmental activities that are changing the face of Choma, the capital of Southern province.

VOICE executive director Faith Siatubotu said in an interview that My Home Town as an organisation has demonstrated true partnership in development.

Ms Siatubotu said developing a town and indeed a country as a whole requires collective effort from Government and its people, and other stakeholders like Mr Ndambo.

She observed that Choma has been denied meaningful development for a very long time, especially under the Patriotic Front (PF) administration in terms of the road network and other infrastructure.

Ms Siatubotu cited roads like the one that leads to Choma General Hospital where ambulances pass which is being worked on by My Home Town.

She said the road will make movement easy once completed.

She said the face of Choma has improved through the additional works on the Choma Secondary road, and the upgrading of the Choma Central Police Station by My Home Town.

Ms Siatubotu, whose organisation advocates against tribalism and political violence, appealed to My Home Town to also consider creating social amenities in places like Mwapona Township so that young people are kept busy and disengage from vices like political violence.

She praised Mr Ndambo for lessening the developmental burden of the Government and the people of Choma in particular through many developmental activities.

My Home Town which is supported by Africa Union Holdings where Mr Ndambo is chairman, is hosting a mega beauty pageant, first of it’s kind and hand over the roads and street light to government at the beginning of this July in Choma.