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Govt to recover erroneously paid allowances

By Staff Writer
Government has started recovering over 2 hundred and 9 Million Kwacha erroneously paid as allowances to serving public officials under the Ministry of Education.

This is from Housing, Rural hardship, Remote hardship, Double Class and Responsibility allowances which were paid between 2017 and 2021.

Speaking in a statement, Finance Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane said it is important to clearly indicate that the action taken is on the basis of the Auditor General’s Report and not punitive but aimed at recovering public resources erroneously paid to ineligible officials.

Dr Musokotwane advised officers disputing the findings of the Auditor General to follow the laid down procedure in airing their views.

The minister also advised affected persons to continue following the public service laid down procedures for dispute and grievance handling.

Dr Musokotwane said submissions will be scrutinized on a case basis and resolved with deserved expediency.

He has since instructed the Accountant General to Step -Up the liaison with Payroll Management and Establishment Control (PMEC) Department at Cabinet Office to ensure historical shortcomings of erroneous payment of allowances does not re-surface and that Payroll management is non-disruptive, going forward.

The Office of the Auditor General conducted an audit of the Payroll targeted at ascertaining the correctness of remunerations paid to serving public officials under the Ministry of Education.