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Haimbe dissolves NPA board

Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe says that the Board of the National Prosecutions Authority(NPA) has been dissolved with immediate effect.

Mr Haimbe also said that the fight against corruption has not been lost, as assumed by some sections of society.

He said corruption and financial crime cases that commenced are still ongoing and that it would therefore be premature to assume that the fight against corruption has been lost.

Mr Haimbe said the Courts have shown that they operate independently with the recent court decisions such as the reinstating of seized property to Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo.

Speaking to the media, Mr Haimbe also that it is also an indication that the accused persons will receive fair trials before the courts.

He said what the country has seen are temporary decisions and that does NOT mean that the accused persons have been acquitted.

“It is wrong to assume that law enforcement agencies are badly prepared to handle investigations as financial crime matters are complicated and need to be given diligence in handling them, I want to reiterate that Government remains committed to judicial reforms and that this will be anchored on the rule of law,” he said.

Mr Haimbe said judicial reforms will always be driven by the Judiciary itself and that that the Judiciary is equal to that task.