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Chingola MP calls on the Business Community to unity

The Minister of Commerce and Industry and Chingola Member of parliament Chipoka Mulenga has called on Chingola Business Community (CBC) to unity and drive the economic development of Chingola.

The Minister said that the business community is critical in driving the economic development of any town and once they come together towns’ blooms.

He said this yesterday when he was meeting the business community to brainstorm on how best to develop Chingola and discuss security matters.

The Minister said that Government shall bring in policies that will ensure that all the businesses benefits and thrive even as they pump back to the community they are operating from.

He said the business community should prioritize to benefit the local people even as they conduct their operations.

The Minister said that Government has come up with skills development so that many locals can benefit from the local companies.

He said the business community needs to have a structured agenda and speak with one voice by moving in the same direction. To this, he proposed that such a meeting must be held quarterly

The Minister said Chingola has a lot of viable businesses to be living in poverty hence the need to team up and restore Chingola to a better place it should be.

He urged the business community to consider joining the Chingola Chamber of commerce so that they can work together as one.

The MP also urged the Business community to help in strengthening the security of Chingola by helping the police with mobility and logistics as it is a major challenge at the moment.

The Minister implored the business community team up buy 4 Land cruisers vehicles preferred for the police in the district at $50,000.00 each. A task team consisting of the Chamber, the DC – as an ex-official, a Chinese Mining Compony CEO, Mr. Zyambo from Status-Hitech. To kick start this assignment Hitech pledged $5,000.00. Others in the meeting requested to present this to their managements then come back with they contribution offers.

And Chingola Chamber of Commerce President Freddie Musonda said that development can be fostered once the business community team up to work together under one umbrella of the already structured Chingola Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Mr Musonda also reiterated the call by the MP for the Chingola Business Community to join the Chamber of commerce so that resources can be shared equitably by the community.

He said that a number of copper mining firms represented in the meeting are now conspicuous by the minister’s invitation especially those in Copper Mining and smelting as most of them are new to him and welcome to join the Chamber an inclusive business development institution.

The Chamber shall soon be holding an annual award gala to appreciate optional performing industries with the government opening up to business after the Covid 19 close down.

Mr Musonda said with these companies coming on board and will contribute to the district Chamber’s growth strategic plan then Businesses in Chingola will exponentially bloom.

He said the enterprises have a Corporate Social responsibility obligation to the Chingola community.

Mr Philip Sang’amba who is into the brick-making business said that the MP should also look into strengthening the long-delayed local content policy for micro-businesses protection. What they are doing must not be taken up by foreigners simply because they are better capitalized.

The meeting attracted a number of Mining firms around Chingola.