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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 156 youths to be supported under 2022 CDF skills development in Kanchibiya constituency

156 youths to be supported under 2022 CDF skills development in Kanchibiya constituency

Staff Writer
Kachibiya Member of Parliament Sunday Chanda says 156 youths will be sponsored under the Skills Development component of the 2022 Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Mr Chanda said the names will be submitted to Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for approval, in accordance with the Constituency Development Fund Act.

He said Kanchibiya’s most important resource is its human resource, the skilled and unskilled youth, women and men.

“We therefore wish to celebrate the initial cohort of 156 youths earmarked for skills development. It is critical that the country makes huge investments in equipping its citizens, especially from rural areas,” he said.

Mr Chanda said skills development of the youths will have a greater impact on rural economic growth and development.

He has called on Government to ensure that there is no mismatch between the education curriculum in Trades Schools and labour market needs.

Mr Chanda has also called on the Ministry of Local Government and Rural development to expedite the approval processes.