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Copperbelt Media celebrates WPFD

Copperbelt based Journalists on Tuesday joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Press Freedom Day which falls on May 3.

The scribes drawn from various media houses around the Copperbelt gathered in Ndola to celebrate their day.

The event proceeded by a marched past from Rekays Mall through the central business district up to the Civic Centre.

Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Augustine Kasongo who graced the occasion said after the match past that with the advancement in technology untrained personnel are using digital platforms to disseminate wrong information.

Mr Kasongo said the media is therefore privileged to be in a position to advocate safety on digital spaces for themselves and the public.

“This year’s theme spotlights the multiple ways in which Journalism is endangered by surveillance and digitally mediated attacks and consequences of this on public trust in digital communications.

“It is also important to note that with coming of the internet, dissertation of information is no longer the preserve of journalists. People who are not journalists are using digital platforms such as mobile phones to disseminate information,” he said.

He said he is hopeful that the Ndola Press Association (NPA) is capable of providing solutions to enhance safety for Journalists.

“Associations such such yours have the duty have the duty to strategize and engage internet service providers  and other digital solution providers on how best to protect media from attack on cyber space,” he said.

NPA President Frank Chingambu said journalists salaries should be increased so that they invest in technology to counter digital threats.

“Journalist are advised to invest in technology to curb these digital threats however there is need to fatten their pockets. With there small salaries they are not able to procure latest technology that can counter these digital threats have come in their right of duty,” he said.