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Councils Reshuffle workers

At least 80 percent of the workers have been reshuffled at various levels across all the 116 Local authorities in the country.

And the Local Government Service Commission has dispelled reports suggesting that all Town Clerks and Council Secretaries have been fired.

Commission Chairperson Ackson Sejani said the commission has not fired anyone but made reshuffles in line with its mandate.

Mr Sejani said the reshuffles are meant to enhance the effectiveness in the operations of local authorities in line with the government developmental agenda.

Addressing the Media in Lusaka, Mr Sejani said the commission is concerned with the revenue leakages being experienced in various councils.

He said revenue generation has NOT improved despite the removal of cadres in markets and Bus station.

Mr Sejani has since tasked the reshuffled Chief Executive Officers and other officers to immediately get to work and enhance revenue generation in councils.

He has warned that the commission will not hesitate to fire anyone who will fail to perform in enhancing the performance of local authorities.

Mr Sejani said the reshuffles have also been necessitated to ensure proper implementation of government’s the decentralized policy.