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ACC nabs Chitotela on U-Turns On Settlement Agreement

The Anti- Corruption Commission has apprehended former Tourism Minister Ronald Chitotela in connection with investigations on possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

The arrest is in relation to a case in which Mr Chitotela whilst serving as Housing and Infrastructure Minister was in May 2019 arrested and charged with nine counts of possession of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

ACC Spokesperson Queen Chibwe said a settlement agreement was entered into between the then Commission management in the previous government and Mr Chitotela in accordance with Section 80 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.

Ms Chibwe  said Section under subsection 3 provides that: “The Commission may tender an undertaking, in writing, not to institute criminal proceedings against a person who (a) has given a full and true disclosure of all material facts relating to past corrupt conduct and an illegal activity by that person or others.

And (b) has voluntarily paid, deposited or refunded all property the person acquired through corruption or illegal activity.”

She said Mr Chitotela only surrendered a property in Ibex Hill area which was in his wife’s name on which there is an unfinished structure and also paid K100,000 to the State.

Ms Chibwe said the Commission under new Management reviewed the matter and found that the Settlement Agreement was lacking in fulfilling the requirement of the law as provided.

Mr Chitotela has been apprehended and is expected to be charged with similar offences.