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Nine people perished during Easter holidays-Hamoonga

Nine-people died while 40 others sustained serious injuries during this year Easter Holiday period.

This year there was a reduction of 12 persons killed compared to last year where 21 people died.

Police recorded , a total number of 210 road traffic accidents were recorded, 09 were Fatal in which 09 persons were killed, 26 were serious road traffic accidents in which 40 persons were seriously injured, 56 were Slight road traffic accidents in which 64 persons were slightly injured. 119 were recorded as damage only road traffic accidents.

In comparison with 2021 Easter Holiday, 193 road traffic accidents were recorded as compared to 210 road traffic accidents recorded this year. The figures show an increase by 17 road traffic accidents.

Speaking in a statement, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Twenty one were recorded as fatal road traffic accident in 2021 Easter Holiday in which 21 persons were killed as compared to nine fatal road traffic accidents where nine persons were killed in this year’s Easter Holiday.

He said the record shows a decrease in both fatal road traffic accidents and persons killed by 12.

“In the same vein, 29 road traffic accidents were recorded as serious in which 50 persons were seriously injured in 2021 as compared to 26 serious road traffic accidents where 40 persons were seriously injured in this year’s Easter Holiday. The records show a decrease in both serious road traffic accidents and persons seriously injured by 03 and 10 respectively,” part of the statement read.

Mr Hamoonga said that 45 were recorded as slight road traffic accidents in which 72 persons were slightly injured in last year’s Easter Holiday as compared to 56 slight road traffic accidents where 64 persons were slightly injured in this year’s Easter Holiday.

“Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of Road Traffic Accidents with 90 and one death, Copperbelt recorded 28 with 02 deaths, Central recorded 27 with 03 deaths, Southern had 22 Road Traffic Accidents, Eastern and Muchinga recorded 11 Road Traffic Accidents with 01 death recorded from each Province, Western and Luapula had 08 Road Traffic Accidents with 01 death recorded in Western Province, Northern had 04 Road Traffic Accidents and North-Western had 01 Road Traffic Accident,” the statement read.

Mr Hamoonga also said that a total amount of K924, 690.00 was raised as admission of guilty money in 2021 compared K528, 795.00 raised as admission of guilty money in 2022.The figures shows a decrease in admission of guilty fines collected by K395, 895.00

He said that the increase in road traffic accidents and casualties in 2022 Easter Holiday can be attributed to non-compliance to road traffic rules and regulations by some motorists and road users.