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The Independent Observer > News > Chililabombwe Council demolishes illegal structures along International road

Chililabombwe Council demolishes illegal structures along International road

Chililabombwe Municipal Council (CMC) has demolished illegal structures built without planning permission along Congo Road.

The demolition was done on April 14, 2022 as the structures were been built on a space reserved for further expansion of the International Road.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manger Evelyn Mulenga said that the Municipality, through the department of Development Planning issued a stop order notice on May 16, 2021 for the developer to suspend all works.

Ms Mulenga said the work was stopped because they were being done without planning permission required under the provisions of section, 49(1) and (2) of the Urban and Regional Planning Act No.3 of 2015 of the laws of Zambia.

She said the developer was again on December 1, 2021 ordered with an enforcement notice to demolish the structure within a period of twenty-eight days and another demolition notice on March 31, 2022.

Ms Mulenga said despite issuance of several notices and engagement with the owner to stop illegal construction by the Local Authority, the developer continued to erect illegal structures prompting the demolition.

She said members of the public are hereby warned to consult the local authority and acquire building permission before erecting structures as the Municipality will not condone illegalities.

Ms Mulenga said the Council is mandated by law to administer land on behalf of the Government and people wishing to develop land or make changes to an existing structure are advised to engage the Council.

“The Local Authority further reminds that the move to demolish illegal structures is not meant to injure the illegal developers but deter people from constructing structures without council’s approval. Council will therefore not be to blame for demolition if developers do not heed to the local authority’s advice,” he said.