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30 Chingola teachers awarded

Chingola District Education Board Secretary has awarded 30 teachers for their exemplary dedication to work.

Speaking at the teachers’ award ceremony held at Mine Club in Chingola, Provincial Education Officer Felix Ng’oma said the ceremony was a motivation to appreciate and inspire those teachers that are lagging behind.

Mr Ng’oma said that everyone benefits from education hence a conducive learning environment is important.

He has since appealed to Chingola Mayor to help in refurbishing desks in schools.

“Let us all stand standup and help Government’s plans to improve the education sector, one desk can be bought by any of us, by so doing we will be supplementing government’s effort to have free education in the country,” he said.

And, Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi urged the awarded teachers to continue working even harder.

Mr Chimupi said also encouraged all the teachers to remain united and continue working hard.

Speaking at the same event, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe said teachers play a vital role in communities that is why it is important as a district to honor their hard works, and service to the community.

Nchanga MP, District Commissioner, Mayor

And Nchanga Member of Parliament Derricky Chilundika who was the guest of honor commended teachers for producing good results and coming out first in the province for outstanding Grade 12 results.

Mr Chilundika also appreciated the difficult conditions some teachers in the rural areas are subjected to.

Mr Chilundika, who is also Luapula Province Minister, said Government wants to deploy more teachers to the district to cushion the pupil teacher ratio.

He said following the back to back good results produced in the district, the Provincial Education Officer should give upgrades to deserving teachers.

Mr Chilundika emphasised that Government is concerned over the well-being of teachers and is committed to turning the fortunes, he also called for patience among the unemployed as it is working hard to fulfil promises made.