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Chingola MP gives Copper investment 2 weeks ultimatum

Chingola Member of Parliament Chipoka Mulenga has given Copper Investment Mines (CIM) a two weeks ultimatum to ensure that they provide safe drinking water to the people of Kankoko area.

CIM polluted the water in Kankoko by discharging effluents in the river, which is the only source of water in the area.
Mr Mulenga, who is also Commerce and Trade Minister said the mining firm was responsible for the pollution hence they should work with Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company(MWSC) to put piped water in the area.
 “Residents have a right to safe and clean drinking water hence I’m directing  CIM to work with Mulonga Water and put up some piped water to safe guard the lives of the people, “he said.
Mr Mulenga said the mine has made it hard for residents to access clean water.
” I am happy because the mine has agreed  to do the right thing and have acknowledged their mistake by agreeing  to buy the pipes to put piped water,” he said.
MWSC Managing Director Ndila Hamalambo said his company will do it’s best so that the affected residents can  quickly start assessing clean water.
Davis Twala a community representative said that the mine should honor it’s promise of installing piped water in the area.
Meanwhile, Mr Mulenga is saddened that China Copper Mine is subjecting their workers to bad conditions of service.
Mr Mulenga said Government will take action as  CCM seems not to be improving on workers conditions despite being advised.
“Your mine gave contaminated water to workers and 23 of them were hospitalized and the District Commissioner came and told you to buy water dispersers for workers to be drinking clean water but you didn’t do as instructed, workers are still drinking from the same contaminated source we will not accept such treatment of our people,” said Mr Mulenga when he visited China Copper Mine.