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ACC arrest PF president

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has arrested Patriotic Front’s acting President Given Lubinda for Corruption involving more than 5 hundred and 39 thousand United States Dollars.

Mr Lubinda 58 of Lusaka’s Hill view park has been charged with five counts of possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

This is contrary to section 71 subsection one of the forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act number 19 of 2010 of the laws of Zambia.

And, ACC Spokesperson Queen Chibwe said Mr Lubinda on April, 2 2019 did possess a house type S3 -A-Plus 1 valued at 2 hundred and 60 thousand United States Dollars situated in Kingsland City on twin palms road, Ibex Hill.

Ms Chibwe said in count two, Mr Lubinda on February 20, 2019 did possess 1-hundred thousand United States Dollars in his account domiciled at ABSA Bank Zambia plc.

She also said that in count three, Mr Lubinda on December 23, 2019 did possess 80 Thousand United States Dollars in the account domiciled at ABSA Bank Zambia Plc, while in count four on 6th March 2018 he did possess 50 thousand United States Dollars In the same account.

Ms Chibwe said in count Five, Mr Lubinda on April 2, 2019 did possess 49 thousand 9 hundred and 90 United states Dollars in his account domiciled at ABSA Bank Zambia Plc.

She said the properties are reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

And Lawyer representing Mr Lubinda, Jonas Zimba said that his client has been released on bond and will appear in court on April 21, 2022.