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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Restock medicines in public clinics and hospitals-GPZ

Restock medicines in public clinics and hospitals-GPZ

Golden Party Zambia says it is regrettable that most public hospitals and clinics have now turned into consultancy facilities where patients queue for very long hours only to be given a prescription.

GPZ President Jackson Silavwe said that confirmed reports indicate that public hospitals and clinics are still experiencing critical shortages of essential drugs both in urban and rural areas around the Country.

Mr Silavwe has since urged Government to urgently ensure that all public health facilities are well supplied and restocked in good time to avoid loss of life and productivity in communities

“With 65% plus Zambian’s living in extreme poverty or below USD $2 per day, it is extremely unethical for Government through our public health facilities to add to their misery, at 57 years of our Country’s independence we should be discussing the improvement of ‘quality and efficient’ health services in public health facilities and not the lack of medicines,” he said.

He said that Sickness waits for no one that is why there is need to restock medicines in the public health centers.