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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Solwezi DDCC reviews 8NDP

Solwezi DDCC reviews 8NDP

Solwezi Municipal Council has facilitated review of the draft Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) for 2022 2026 by the District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) members with the aim of receiving submissions for possible inclusion in the plan.
The review meeting was therefore aimed at bringing development interventions closer to the people thus promoting ownership of developmental projects at community level.
The Ministry of Finance and National Planning working in partnership with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development initially received submissions from His Worship the Mayor, Councillors and Ward Development Committees Executive members in an effort to get input from all stakeholders.
The 8NDP provides a roadmap for economic transformation that will spur social economic and sustainable development in Solwezi district and the nation at large.