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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Govt concerned on rising number of accidents, suicide cases

Govt concerned on rising number of accidents, suicide cases

By Staff Writer
Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says Government is concerned with the rising numbers of Road Traffic accidents in the country.

Ms Kasanda said a case in point is the accident which occurred recently in Mpika in which several lives were lost and many others sustained serious injuries when a public bus hit into a pot-hole and plunged into a stream.

She said ensuring safety on roads across the country is a shared responsibility.

Ms Kasanda said Government reiterates its call on law enforcement authorities to step up their enforcement operations and for motorists to exercise extra caution on public roads to prevent further carnages.

She has called on motorists to obey traffic rules and be extra vigilant when driving, especially in this period where some parts of the country are experiencing heavy rains.

“It is imperative that motorists observe speed limits on roads and do everything possible to avoid being victims or causers of fatal road carnage which the country has continued to witness,” she said.

Ms Kasanda said Government also acknowledges the deplorable state of some of the roads and understands that this could also contribute towards the increased numbers of accidents.

She said Government has released K4.5 million to the Road Development Agency (RDA) to quickly start the process of mending potholes on some strategic roads across the country.

Ms Kasanda said Government is also concerned with the rising numbers of suicide cases in the country.

She has called on health workers and psychosocial counselors to heighten sensitization of communities on the seriousness of mental health and its consequences if not detected at an early stage.

“Most importantly, Government calls on members of the public to reach out to those in need of help and be more attentive to the needs of others and reach out to one another with love,” she said.