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The Independent Observer > News > No cadres are collecting levis at Kasumbalesa Border-CMC

No cadres are collecting levis at Kasumbalesa Border-CMC


The Chililabombwe Municipal Council (CMC) have brushed aside allegations by a section of society that some United Party for National Development (UPND) members are collecting levies in Kasumbalesa.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Evelyn Mulenga said the local authority remains the only institution mandated to collect levies from the markets and bus stations.

Ms Mulenga said CMC  is not aware of any political group collecting levies in Kasumbalesa.

“CMC wishes to refute allegations that U UPND cadres are levying and harassing traders in Kasumbalesa,” she said.

She said the local authority will not hesitate to prosecute any individuals harassing and illegally collecting money from traders at any market in the District.

“CMC does not have any agreement with UPND cadres to be collecting levies in markets. Members of the public are therefore urged to stay alert and report any such individuals attempting to collect levies from them other than council officers,” she said.

Kasumbalesa houses a number of makeshift stalls as a number of traders from around the country flock to the area to sell their merchandise to potential customers from neigbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.