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The Independent Observer > Headlines > ZABS to standardise cannabis

ZABS to standardise cannabis

The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) says it will in a few months begin engaging stakeholders on the need to initiate the development of standards for cannabis for medicinal purposes.

This follows the announcement by the Zambia National Service (ZNS) on the planned set up of three cannabis plantations in the country.

ZABS Standards Development and Training Manager Belinda Kancheya said that standards will play an important role in defining quality, safety and compliance requirements that industry will have to follow in the production process of the cannabis.

Ms Kancheya also called on stakeholders to come forward and help spearhead and participate in the development of the standards through technical committees.

The Zambia Bureau of Standards facilitates the development of standards through technical committees who sit to agree on how a standard should be developed.

The standards development process is by consensus.

Zambia has over 6,000 standards that have been developed which are critical in supporting innovation and competition while leveling the playing field for all industry players.