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The Independent Observer > Headlines > ERB’s move on Zesco welcome- CEJ

ERB’s move on Zesco welcome- CEJ

Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) has welcomed the decision by the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) to reverse the decision by ZESCO to remove subsidies on new connections and metre separation.

CEJ Head of Research Freeman Mubanga said attempts to increase the cost of access to electricity have a ripple effect on forests.

Mr Mubanga said this is because charcoal is the only available cheaper alternative energy in the country.

He said ZESCO’s decision would impact negatively on the United Nations set Sustainable Development Goal -SDG number 7 which advocates for access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.

ZESCO’s removal of subsidies saw an upward adjustment from K1, 700 To K6, 995 for high-density un-demarcated townships.

It also resulted in an increase in meter separation from K750 to K6000.

Yesterday, ERB declared ZESCO’s decision as null and void as it was not approved by the energy sector regulator as required by law.