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ERB nullifies Zesco connection charges

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has nullified changes in Zesco’s connection charges as reported on various media platforms that it does not have the approval of the ERB.

ERB has clarified that it is not in receipt of any application from ZESCO to vary its connection charges, as legally required under the Energy Regulation.

ERB Public Relations Manager Namukolo Kasumpa said members of the public are urged to disregard the reported revised charges by Zesco for electricity connection and separation of meters.

Ms Kasumpa said anyone subjected to the reported new charges should bring this to the attention of the ERB.

She said Zesco is bound to strict adherence of the governing conditions in its Standard Licence for the Supply of Electricity.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Energy Regulation Act under section 4(j) vests the power and function to determine, regulate and review charges and tariffs in the ERB. Further, section 25 of ZESCO’s Standard Licence for the Supply of Electricity unequivocally proscribes ZESCO from changing tariffs or any other charges for any product or services provided in the course of the licensed activity without the prior approval of the ERB,” she said.

Ms Kasumpa said that at the last tariff application in 2019, ZESCO applied for a revision in electricity tariffs and connection charge and only the tariffs were approved and revised.
She said the application by ZESCO to revise connection charges by 213% was deferred pending an in-depth study and further consultations by ZESCO. |

“As such, ZESCO were guided to re-submit an application for connection fees once these conditions were met. To date, ZESCO has not re-submitted an application to vary the connection fees upwards or for the removal of subsidies,” she said.